Anas Kanhouch

Anas Kanhouch

Senior Software Engineering Student

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About Me

I'm senior software engineering student at Prince Sultan University (3.4/4.0 GPA) with more than 8 months experience in developing multiple projects. This provides me with real experience in different SDLC phases: requirement, design, implementation, and testing.


Alajeeb & Alghareeb

Alajeeb & Alghareeb system

  • Alajeeb & Alghareeb system is an e-commerce system, has these features:
    • Manage inventory
    • Manage finicial transactions (such as adding side expenses, withddraw money)
    • Manage advertisements
  • Meeting stakeholders to gather requirements
  • Combining Layered & MVC architecture to come with system architecture
  • Adding security layers to the architecture
  • Designing database for the system using ERD diagram
  • Design internal classes of the components
  • Technolgies used: Laravel, Bootstrap, Akounting Library

phpFuzzerOpen Source

PHP-Fuzzer is a blackbox testing tool for web applications. Using a headless browser - php-PhantomJS - which provide automated control of a web page using CLI instead of GUI. Implementing basic idea of fuzzer, which injects automatically semi-random data into a program/stack and detect bugs.

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Dewan 3lm

Dewan 3lm

Dewan 3lm is a course website. Student can see lessons, exams, and his grades. Teacher has CRUD previlegs to students, lessons, and exams. Teacher can create exam, add as many as he wants, and delete questions and options using a jQuery form builder. Build with Laravel, jQuery, and Bootstrap

View Webiste

Work Experience

PHP Developer - Prince Sultan University (01/2018 - Present)

Part time job - developing testing tool for android applications

PHP Developer - Cyber Scrap Center (05/2017 - 09/2017)

  • Enhancing the website/adding features
  • Understanding Architecture of the Opencart
  • Adding filtering options to enter the category of the product
  • Adding filter options to search page

My GitHub